Sec. 21.99 Sample Depredation order for injurious Canada geese.

Landowners, property managers, tenants, or their employees or agents in the States of                       ,                       and                       may, without a Federal permit, take Canada geese (including nests and eggs) when found nesting, committing or about to commit damage to agricultural crops or other property, or when concentrated in such numbers and manner as to constitute a health hazard or other nuisance on premises owned or occupied by such persons, including but not limited to parks, airports, swimming areas, water supply reservoirs, residential and commercial properties, golf courses, schools, athletic fields, private lawns, cemeteries, hospitals, and along roadways; Provided:

(a) That permission has been obtained from the respective state wildlife agency.

(b) That Canada geese may only be killed pursuant to this section between March 11 and August 31 in any year, except at airports where geese may be killed at any time of year.

(c) That no more than 2 geese per day may be taken by shooting from any property pursuant to this section, and that shooting must be done in conjunction with other harassment or scaring techniques.

(d) That geese may be taken during daylight hours only by shotgun or other firearms as permitted by State and local laws.

(e) That control activities must be conducted clearly as such and cannot be set up so as to constitute a "hunt". Use of blinds, pits or other means of concealment, decoys, duck calls, or other devices to lure or entice birds within gun range is not permitted.

(f) That no pre-fledged goslings or molting geese incapable of flight may be taken by shooting pursuant to this section.

(g) That Canada geese killed pursuant to this section must be properly disposed or utilized, etc....

(h) That no other migratory birds or any species designated as threatened or endangered may be affected by the action.

(i) That any person exercising any ofthe privileges granted by this section must keep and maintain a log recording the date and number of birds killed (including nests or eggs taken or treated to prevent hatching) under this authorization, and that a summary be provided annually to the respective state wildlife agency.

(j) That any person exercising any ofthe privileges granted by this section shall permit... Federal or State law enforcement officer free and unrestricted access...etc.

(k) Nothing in this order should be construed to authorize the killing of Canada geese contrary to any State law or regulation or on any Federal land without written authorization from the appropriate management authority, and none ofthe privileges granted under the order shall be exercised without any State permit that may be required for such activities.

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