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Aventis Pharmaceuticals Set To Kill Canada Geese


The national pharmaceutical manufacturer, Aventis, has agreed to let the Missouri Department of Conservation kill Canada geese at their Kansas City facility. The Coalition has offered assistance to Aventis in the use of proven non-lethal goose management.

Up to 2,500 Canada geese from Aventis and other Missouri properties are expected to be trucked to Minnesota to be slaughtered in the next few weeks, then returned to the Central Missouri Food Bank where they will be distributed to the poor as a public relations gimmick.

With your help, Aventis may see that only non-lethal measures work. Canada geese have been the victims of game agency Canada goose growing programs. Under an antiquated federal law, game agencies must pay their biologists with hunting license revenues. Federal taxes on firearms (including only guns used to kill people) go to game agencies on the basis of the number of hunting licenses and state land area. State tax-payers contribute 1:3 to subsidize hunting. The game agencies are desperate for funds, so they grow the geese, then get state subsidies to round up and kill them when they stray from the hunting areas.


Please call or e-mail Aventis today.

Ask for Mark Shaw. Leave a friendly message of support for non-lethal measures and to urge them to stop the planned killing.

1-(800) 818-9158

1-(800) 981-2491

Copy and paste these e-mail addresses to Aventis:

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Tell Aventis:

  • You want them to stop any plans to kill geese and instead use humane non-lethal methods of goose control where necessary.

  • You can't believe that Aventis would resort to killing Canada geese at their Missouri properties when so many other major companies have solved goose problems using non-lethal control.

Please send a copy of your message to us at [email protected].

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